Login trouble
If you are having trouble logging into app.sendible.com there are several things you can try, but it depends on what is happening as you attempt to log in. Take a look at the list below to find some options that may help.
If you are unable to resolve your issue with these steps, please see the article What troubleshooting steps can I try if something's not working as it should?
Are your login details not recognized?
If you have had a trial that expired more than 21 days ago, it is likely that your account has been deleted and you will need to create a new account.
If you cancelled your subscription and your account was suspended more than three (3) months ago, it is likely that your account has been deleted and you will need to create a new account.
If you’ve forgotten your password, you can reset it here: https://app.sendible.com/#forgotmypassword
You should also check to see there are no typos in your username/email or password and that you are using the correct email address - the one you used to set up your Sendible account.
Common typos include:
- Typing .con instead of .com
- Typing .com instead of .net or .org or .edu or .co.uk, etc.
- Using @yahoo.com instead of @ymail.com
- Forgetting the numbers in the address (ex: name@aol.com instead of name123@aol.com)
- Transposing numbers in the address (ex: name213@aol.com instead of name123@aol.com)
- Using the username of one email address and the domain of another (ex: you have MYNAME@yahoo.com and myfirstname@GMAIL.com, but you signed up with MYNAME@GMAIL.com)
If you're able to log in with one of those, make sure you update your email address to the correct one.
Please note: If there are special characters in your email address or password, those can cause issues logging in. Please contact the support team to assist you.
After you’ve entered your login credentials does nothing load and an icon just keeps spinning?
- Check for browser updates using whatismybrowser.com and update to the latest version if needed.
- Try using a private/incognito browser window when logging in.
- If you are successful in the private/incognito window, please reset the cache & cookies in your browser.
- If you continue to have trouble, check for any browser extensions/add-ons that might be interfering by disabling them and trying to log in again.
- If you are unsuccessful in the private/incognito window, please try a different browser.
- If you still are unsuccessful, please check Sendible's Service Updates.
Are you logged out shortly after you’ve been logged in?
Please be sure that only one person is logged in to each account. If a second person tries to log in using the same credentials, the first person will be logged out.
- Try using a private/incognito browser window when logging in.
- If you are successful in the private/incognito window, please reset the cache & cookies in your browser.
- If you continue to have trouble, check for any browser extensions/add-ons that might be interfering by disabling them and trying to log in again.
- If you are unsuccessful in the private/incognito window, please try a different browser.
- If you are still unsuccessful, please check the Sendible service status at Sendible's Service Updates.
Rule out possible network issues preventing you from logging in
The following steps will confirm if the reason you're unable to log in is due to your network provider blocking access to our site.
- Log into Sendible using a different computer, or ask a colleague if they are experiencing the same issue.
- Clear caches and temporary files from Mac OS (only relevant for Mac users).
- If available, choose another other network or VPN on the computer you typically use to access Sendible.
- Turn off wifi on your mobile phone and try logging into app.sendible.com on your mobile phone.
If you are able to log into Sendible after doing any of those, please check with your network provider and ask them to unblock app.sendible.com.