Reconnect an Instagram account
If the connection to an Instagram Professional (Business or Creator) profile has been broken and needs to be re-authorised, you will experience undelivered posts. Before we can continue to publish posts to Instagram or return updates and analytics data, this Instagram account will need to be reconnected.
Step-by-step guide
Caution: Please follow the steps carefully so you do not accidentally disconnect other Instagram profiles you've already connected to Sendible.
- Navigate to Profiles > My Profiles.
- Click the name of your Instagram profile > More > Reconnect to reconnect your Instagram Professional profiles.
Reconnecting Instagram Professional profiles
- A screen will take you to Facebook, where you will be asked to adjust permission settings after logging into the Facebook account with access to the relevant Instagram Professional Account. You will see the following screen. Select the Edit Settings button.
- In the next series of screens, you will be given options to select the Instagram Professional profiles and Facebook Pages that Sendible is given access to and the permissions needed to schedule posts with Sendible.
Caution: We strongly recommend selecting all the Instagram Accounts and Facebook Pages because if you select an Instagram account but not the Facebook Page it's linked to, we won't be able to display your Instagram accounts for you to reconnect.
- After clicking the 'OK' on the last Facebook screen, you'll be returned to Sendible. If more than one Instagram Professional profile was disconnected, completing the reconnection process for one account (while being sure to select all during the Facebook settings steps) will automatically reconnect any other Instagram Business profiles previously connected via that Facebook user.
- Once you've confirmed your profiles are showing as reconnected, click the Done button.
Tip: Not seeing your Instagram profile or getting stuck with a 'Reauthorise' button? Check our advanced guide for help, Why is my Instagram account not appearing when I try to (re)connect it?
Editing the settings for an Instagram Professional profile
- Click on the Instagram Professional profile's name to edit the Instagram profile's settings.
Note: The character limit to update the profile name for internal purposes is 50 characters.
- Click More and you can add custom tags to the profile or transfer or share the profile with another dashboard.
Still an issue?
No worries! We can take it from here.
Please submit a support ticket and be sure to mention you have gone through the typical troubleshooting steps. In addition, providing screenshots and including where you were and the steps you took when the issue happened will help us resolve it more quickly!