Bulk import messages
Use the Bulk Importer to create multiple posts at once! You have the freedom to choose between two fantastic options for working with messages in bulk. You can either create them directly within the Bulk Importer or upload a CSV file with your message content. We're excited for you to try it out!
This article covers using the Bulk Importer to create multiple posts at one time. The messages can either be created directly within the bulk importer, or you can download our CSV template to add the content for your messages and import the completed CSV file to create the messages in Sendible.
Accessing the Bulk Importer
- Click the Bulk Import icon located just next to the Compose button on the top right-hand side of the dashboard.
- You can also access the option to bulk import posts on the Sent, Scheduled, Queued, Drafts, Calendar and Undelivered views by selecting the More option and then Schedule in Bulk.
- There is also the option in the Compose Box to upload a CSV file.
Using the Bulk Importer
- The above window will be displayed. Click on the Select Profiles field. A drop-down menu will display for you to select the profile/s you want the posts to be sent to.
Note: If you’re importing your messages as drafts, you don’t need to select the profiles you want the posts to be sent to.Tip: Once you’ve selected one profile and if you’d like to select another, click on the field again for the drop-down to be displayed so that you can select another profile. These profiles will apply to all the messages you’re bulk importing at that time.
- Select whether you want your messages to be scheduled, added to a Queue, or saved to your Drafts view.
- If the Queued option has been selected, you’ll be provided with a list of your available Queues so you can select the desired Queue. After selecting a Queue, you can click on the gear icon to adjust the settings of that Queue.
- You can also create a New Queue.
- You can then start to directly type the text for your messages into the fields provided if you’re not importing from a CSV file.
- If you’re importing your messages as Scheduled, you’ll be required to select the date and time each message should be published.
- If needed, you can add a URL you want to include in your message and add an image if you'd like.
- If you select the image field, the following window will appear, which provides the majority of the usual options available when you choose to attach images in the Compose Box.
Tip: Please see our article on adding an Image or video to your post for more information about adding images to your posts.Note: You will need to individually attach an image to each post you want to include an image and you can only add one image per post.
Bulk import using a CSV file
- If you’re importing a CSV file, we highly recommend that you first download the CSV template file provided, because if the headings in your CSV file do not exactly match those in the template file, your posts will not be successfully imported.
- When you’re CSV file is ready, select the Upload .CSV option.
- You’ll first need to select the correct Date format for your posts. It will then be converted to a YYYY-MM-DD format when imported.
Tip: You can tick the Don’t ask me again box if you wish to use the same date format for all your posts. The selected date format will be saved as default for imported CSV files. If you need to change it, you will need to reset the Sendible cache.
- When you’ve selected the correct date format, click OK.
- A browser window will open so that you can locate and select the CSV file you want to import. Once you’ve found it and selected it, click Open.
- The messages, dates, times, etc., which were included in your CSV file, will then be populated in the bulk importer form so that you can check the messages and make any necessary changes. When you’re happy and ready for the system to import the messages, click Import.
- If you’re bulk importing to a Queue, either via CSV file or by adding the content of the posts directly to the Bulk Import form, the date and time options will not be available as the messages will be added to the Queue and sent out based on the settings for that Queue.