Create a Content Library
This article covers our Content Library which allows you to easily save content you're not ready to post or still organising for campaigns, particular clients or any other purpose.
Caution: The Content Library is only available in Scale and Expansion subscription plans.
Note: Currently, it's not possible to bulk upload images or videos to the Content Library but you can easily email content to help add content quickly. Please see this page for more information.
Creating a new Content Library
- Click on content and then select My Content from the dropdown menu
- If you’re already in the Manage area, you can select My Content from the list to the left-hand side of the page.
- Delete icon - To delete content in bulk, first select the piece(s) of content you want to delete and then select the delete icon.
- Refresh icon - This will refresh your Content Library if - for example - you've saved a piece of content that's not yet displaying to select.
- List layout - this allows you to view pieces of content in a list view which is better for viewing content with a lot of text.
- Grid Layout - this option is better for reviewing content with images.
- You will have a default Content Library set up so you can start adding content immediately using the Add Content buttons.
- Alternatively, to create a new Content Library, select the New Library button.
- When setting up a new Content Library, you’ll first need to give it a name for your reference.
- You can then add any other user accounts that should have access to this Content Library in the Consumers box.
- If you want particular user accounts to be able to add content to this Content Library, add them into the Contributors box.
- Once you’re happy with the settings you’ve added, select the Create Library button.
Adding content to the Content Library
- When your Content Library is set up, you can use the Add Content button to start adding content to that library. Once you select this option, the following pop-up will appear. Click Select under the option most relevant to the content you’re looking to add.
- If you choose to add Social Media content, the following box will appear. You will first need to add a relevant title for your content so that you can easily locate it once it’s added.
- You can then start typing the text for your post into the main text box.
- Using the Attach button as you would in the Compose Box, you can also add images to your post.
- To help you search for your content at a later date, you’ll need to add relevant tags to it.
- When you’ve added all the text and any images or videos you want to include, click the Add Content button.
- If you’re looking to add a blog post or basic email to your Content Library for later use and have selected the Blog Posts option, the pop-up that appears will be much the same as the Social Media pop-up but it will also include Rich Text options which allow you to format your text, insert HTML, etc. as this is supported by blogs and in emails but not on social sites.
Searching for and managing content in the Content Library
- Once content has been added to a Content Library, you can search for content added by particular users by selecting their user account name in the User Filter.
- To search the currently selected Content Library for content containing certain words, add the word(s) into the Search box and then hit enter on your keyboard for results to be returned.
- Use the options to the right of a piece of content to Delete it, Preview it (most relevant for blog posts and emails), Edit it or Share it out to social channels, post it to a blog or send it to a Mailing List.
- You can view different Content Libraries by selecting the name of that Content Library in the list on the right side of the page.
Working with other users' Content Libraries
If you would like to have other users on your account be able to add to or use content from your Content Library you can do that by adding Consumers or Contributors to the Content Library.
- Click the Edit icon for your Content Library.
- In the dialogue box, you will be able to add Consumers (those who can use content from the Library) and Contributors (those who can add content to the Library). In both cases, you can choose from a drop-down list of the other users on your account.
- Be sure to click Save to set those permissions in place.
Adding saved content to your message in the Compose Box
- If you choose to Share content, it will automatically be added to the Compose Box however, you can also access content directly from the Compose Box without going to the Content Library. To do this, select the Compose Box button in the top right of any page and then click the content option.
- Select the Content tab to bring up your Content Libraries.
- You can search the currently selected Content Library using the Search box.
- Using the Libraries Filter, you can switch between Libraries.
- When you’ve found the piece of content you’re looking for, select the Insert button on that piece of content and it will be loaded into the Compose Box.