Set up geotargeting for a LinkedIn Company Page
Our LinkedIn geotargeting feature allows you to precisely target LinkedIn posts to a particular geographic location, be this a country, state/region, or city.
Important: In order to use the geotargeting feature, you will need more than 300 connections within that particular geographical location. This limit is imposed via LinkedIn’s API and is the same if you natively post through LinkedIn’s platform. If you have less than 300 connections, the number of connections will show as 0, which LinkedIn has confirmed is intended.
- When setting up or editing a LinkedIn Company Page profile, where geotargeting is listed, type in the locations you wish to target.
- A list of locations will appear relevant to the location name you typed into the search box.
- Make sure you selected the right location or enough locations for you to target an audience of at least 300 people. Tip: If you target a whole region/country, this will increase your chances of reaching the required audience of 300.
- Target as many locations as necessary to target at least 300 followers.
- Once you have targeted the desired locations, and have an audience of at least 300 followers, click on Save, and your profile will be available in the Compose Box.
Tip: You can add this same LinkedIn Company Page multiple times with different geotargeting settings so that you can target different regions with your posts, but be sure to set a different name for each one in the Description field when setting each up so that you're able to tell them apart in the Compose Box.