Include an image or video in a post
This article covers basic steps to include an image or video in your post when using the Compose Box. If you're composing multiple messages using the Bulk Importer, you will only be able to attach images, as multiple videos cannot be imported at one time.
Getting started
- First, click the Attach button when viewing the Compose Box to bring up the image and video options.
Uploading files
- The Upload File option allows you to add images to your post from your computer.
- You can either drag and drop the images into the area specified or click Browse Files to open a new window so that you can find and select the files from your computer. If you’re adding images from your computer, locate the image, click on it and then select the Open option on that window.
Attach image from URL
- The second option, From URL, allows you to fetch images from a URL.
- You can either enter a page URL, or you can provide a specific image URL if you know the exact URL for the image you want to attach.
- Once you’ve found the image you want to attach, select the Attach button directly below the image to add the image to your post.
Use the Media Library
- The Media Library option will allow you to access any images you’ve included in your posts previously so that you can re-use relevant images easily.
- You can Search for images in the Media Library by name.
- You can also filter by specific user’s Media Libraries if you have access to other user accounts.
- Use the page options to check back through your previously sent images.
- Once you’ve found the image you want to include, select the Attach option to include that image in your post. You can also rename images as, if an image has been uploaded from a link or similar, it will likely have been given the default name of ‘Attachment’. You can also delete images you no longer need in your Media Library.
Attach images from Dropbox or Google Drive
Important: Please note it is not possible to attach videos through Dropbox or Google Drive.
- By selecting the Cloud option, you can view and add images from your Dropbox or Google Drive account.
- If you select the Dropbox option, you’ll be asked to log into your Dropbox account if you’re not logged in already, and then your Dropbox will be displayed as below.
- Use the Search option to search for a specific image or scroll through the list to find the one you want.
- Once you’ve found the image you want to include in your post, select it.
- Then click on the Choose button for the image to be added to the Compose Box.
- If you select the Google Drive option again, you’ll be asked to log into your Google+ account if you’re not logged in already, and then your Google Drive will be displayed as above. Use the Search option to search for a specific image.
- You can also search and switch between folders if you have any in your Drive.
- Once you’ve found the image you want to include in your post, select it.
- Then click on the Select button for the image to be added to the Compose Box.
Using Canva to design images
- By selecting the Design option, you can access Canva and design images to add to your posts. For tutorials for Canva, please see this page.
Tip: Please check this article for creating content with Canva, including accessing design assets from your paid Canva account.
Search for images on Giphy, Pexels & Flickr
- You can search for images or GIFs by clicking the Search option and then choosing whether you want to search for images on Giphy, Pexels, or Flickr. Click the logo of the respective site to get started.
- To include GIFs from Giphy or Images from Pexels, add the search term to the search box, then click the Search icon.
- Click the GIF or image you would like to use, and it will be added to the Compose Box!
- For Flickr, you can select to search based on Text or on Tags selected for the image/s.
- When you’ve found the image you want to attach, select the Attach option next to it, and the image will be added to the Compose Box.
Search and add videos from YouTube
- By selecting the Video option, you can search and attach videos from YouTube.
- If you haven’t already added your YouTube account, click on the YouTube icon, and the system will prompt you to do this.
Note: Your YouTube account must be connected to a Google account. Please see this page for more information about linking your YouTube account to Sendible.
- To search for videos on YouTube, just type a term into the search box and click the search icon and relevant matches will be brought up.
- You can also search through the videos available on your channel on YouTube using the page selection options.
- Once you’ve found the video you want to include, whether this is your video or another YouTube video, just click Attach, and the social sharing URL for that video will be included in your post.