Check existing profiles
This page covers viewing the profiles you've added to your account. For more information on editing and deleting profiles, please see this page.
- Click on the Profiles tab in your dashboard.
- Then select My profiles from the drop-down menu.Tip: The profiles that have been directly set up on that user account or transferred to that user account will be displayed.Note: Profiles that have been shared from another user account will not be displayed here as, if a profile is shared, the user it is shared with will not have permission to edit or delete that profile, etc., from their user account.
- If you have many profiles set up, you can quickly look through the pages listing these profiles using the page numbers next to the filter bar. You can also filter by a particular profile type by selecting the type of profile you wish to view from the profile filter drop-down.
- You can also search for a particular profile by adding the name of that profile into the search box and then clicking enter on your keyboard.