Edit, share, or delete a Queue
This article covers Queues which are a great way to share evergreen content - content that isn't time-specific. You can find out more about how best to use Queues in your social media strategy here. This article will walk you through adding, editing, sharing and deleting a Queue.
How to create a new Queue
- Navigate to Publish > Queues.
- If you haven’t already added a Queue you’ll be directed to add your first Queue. To create a new Queue, select the New Queue button.
Adding settings for a Queue
- Give your Queue a name.
- Select whether messages in your Queue will be recycled. This means that when you add a message to that Queue, it will be repeated until you delete the message and any repeats from the Queue or the Queue itself.
Note: We suggest that you only set a Queue to repeat if you will be regularly adding new messages to a Queue.
Contributors are other users who can use that Queue. Select from the drop-down menu who can view and add messages to a Queue from the other users in your account. Tip: To share this Queue with another user select the user within the Contributors option. If the contributor is not seeing the Queue within their dashboard, they would need to reset the Sendible Cache.
- To start adding times to a Queue, select the day of the week to which you want to add times.
- You can manually add a time or you can set an Optimal Time. Note: Optimal Times will only be calculated once you have been posting to profiles for 2-3 weeks so that the system has time to calculate this data. Also, Optimal Times will take into account the best time to post for all profiles linked to that user account, not for just a particular profile. For more information on Optimal Times, please see this page.
- To delete a time slot, select the plus
- To add another time slot for that day, select the
- Once you’ve added the times you want messages to be sent each day, select the Save button. Tip: If you ever want to pause your Queue(s), you'll just need to edit that Queue and remove the time slots you added previously until there are none. Any posts that are still in that Queue will then only be sent out when you add time slots to that Queue again.
- When viewing your Queue, you can bulk select posts and choose to delete in bulk as well.
- Using the More option you can export your Queued messages to a CSV or Bulk import posts to the Queue.
- You can also Refresh
the page if your Queued message isn’t displayed yet.
- Clicking on the Shuffle
icon will randomly reorganize messages within the Queue.
- Use the User filter option to filter for posts that were created by a particular user.
- You can also search for specific words within the body of the message or in the social profile or Profile List name.
- You can also work with other Queues which were shared with you when you were added as a Contributor.
- Using the options directly on a message, you can Delete
, Edit
and Repost
that message as well as move it to the top or the bottom of the Queue. If you want to rearrange your Queued messages, you can also drag and drop them.
- The Initials display the name of the user account that has Queued the message.
How to edit or delete a Queue
- To Edit
or Delete
a Queue, hover over the name of the Queue in the Queue list and the edit and delete icons for that Queue will be displayed. If you select to edit the Queue, the pop-up window from above will appear.
Important: Currently, it isn't possible to transfer a Queue to another user. If this would be useful to you, please let us know!