Import a CSV file to a Queue
There are several reasons to use a CSV file with your Queue. One of those is that you can concentrate fully on the message being sent by using a CSV file. You don’t have to worry about the times and dates, as these would have already been created in your Queue when you set this up.
Tip: We have an article on Queue creation available here: How Do I Queue A Message?
Note: You can download a template CSV file here: Template CSV
To get started using a CSV file, you first need to be in the Queued area of the dashboard.
- Click on the Publish option in the top navigation.
- From the drop-down, you can select Queues.
- If you are already in the Publish area, you can also choose Queues from the sidebar on the left.
- Next, select the option to Create multiple queued messages at once located next to the New Queue.
- With the Compose Messages in Bulk screen open, select Download CSV File and save this sample CSV file to your computer. Note: If you are downloading this file via Google Chrome, you will see this in the bottom left-hand corner of your screen for easier access when downloaded. If you are using another browser, you will need to navigate to the folder where you saved the file.
- Once you have opened the CSV file, there are a few columns to understand to use this powerful feature.
- Message - You can type the message for your post here.
SendDate - As mentioned, the Queue will dictate the time and date the posts are sent. Leave this column blank.
Tip: Remember to ignore the SendDate on the CSV file, as your Queue has already been set up with specified times.
- URL - If you wish to add any URL links in your post, you add these to this column.
Image - You can add a link to a custom image to use in your post.
- Once completed, you can return to Sendible, reopen the Compose messages in bulk screen and select Upload .CSV.
- When importing the file, you have a few options available from the Import Messages As drop-down, please select the option for Queued. Tip: You can learn more about importing to the Scheduled or Drafts view here: How Do I Bulk Import Messages?
- After selecting the Upload .CSV option, you will see an option to select a Date Format. We will send these posts to a Queue where the time to post has already been assigned, and you don’t have to worry about which date format to select; click OK. Note: If you wish to edit the messages once imported, you can open the message in the Queue to which you have assigned the message.
- Having selected which Queue you want to add these posts into, you will need to choose which Profile/s or Profile List you wish to send the posts to. In this example, the selected Profile List is Sendible Support 1. Tip: For more information on creating Profile Lists, please see the following article: How do I create and manage profile lists?
- Once imported, check the Queue, and you’ll see that the posts are scheduled to be sent out based on the next available time slots in the selected Queue. The order used to send the messages will be based on the order included in the CSV file.
- You have now successfully downloaded the sample CSV file, created specific posts in the CSV file and added these to your Queue.